Internet Security Statement
At Spiritual Outdoor Adventures, we value your online security. For this reason, we have implemented safeguards to protect the information you transmit to us over the internet as described in this notice. We collect and use the information you provide to us to respond to your needs, service your accounts and provide you with information about other services we provide. This statement applies to all users of Spiritual Outdoor Adventures, whether or not the user is a Spiritual Outdoor Adventures customer.
Web Site Security
At Spiritual Outdoor Adventures, we strive to safeguard your online security. All information provided by customers visiting our web site is kept strictly con\dential, to prevent the unauthorized use of the information. All the nonpublic personal information we receive from our customers at Spiritual Outdoor Adventures, whether via phone, mail or the internet, is treated con\dentially, as outlined in our privacy policy.
E-Mail Security
Regular internet e-mail is never completely secure. When corresponding to us via e-mail, you should only provide information that is non-sensitive and non- con\dential. Please do not furnish us any information of a personal nature that you feel uncomfortable providing to us via e-mail. If you are concerned about the security of your communication, please transmit your correspondence to us using the postal service or telephone. Spiritual Outdoor Adventures is not responsible for the security of information we receive via e-mail.
E-mail fraud
Be cautious of e-mail and websites purporting to represent a legitimate company and that ask you to provide con\dential or \nancial information. It is not Spiritual Outdoor Adventures's practice to e-mail you to ask you to provide or con\rm your PIN, password, or other con\dential or \nancial information, other than as may occur in response to an inquiry from you. If you receive such a request, or have any concern as to the validity of an e-mail from Spiritual Outdoor Adventures, a website purporting to be a Spiritual Outdoor Adventures website, or our online security, please notify us immediately. Please attach any suspicious e-mail in its original form, or in the case of a website please include the URL (address of the website) in your noti\cation.
For information on various types of e-mail fraud please visit website at If you got a phishing email or text message, report it. The information you give can help \ght the scammers.
Step 1. If you got a phishing email, forward it to the FTC at and to the Anti-Phishing Working Group at If you got a phishing text message, forward it to SPAM (7726).
Step 2. Report the phishing attack to the FTC at